主教取消【主日和法定慶節義務的豁免】二月八日 二零二二年
自2022 年 3 月 6 日, 四旬期第一個主日起,聖荷西教區天主教友的主日和法定慶節義務的豁免將結束。身體健康情況沒有重大危險或其他嚴重原因、健康良好的教友應愉快、認真地履行主日及當守的法定慶節的義務,並且繼續遵守健康安全規程。
*天主教法典1245 條 – 除應遵守 87 條有關教區主教權利的規定外,堂區主任因 正當理由並依教區主教的規定,得在個別情況下豁免守慶節或守補贖 日之責,或將之變更為其他善功 …
** 天主教教理2181. 主日的感恩祭奠定和確認基督徒的一切宗教習慣。因此,信徒有責 任參與法定日子的感恩祭,除非為了重大的理由而不能出席,(例如 疾病、照顧嬰兒)或獲得自己本堂牧者的豁免。凡故意未盡這責任 者,難免不犯重罪。
Lifting of the Dispensation of the Sunday Obligation
https://www.dsj.org/wp-content/uploads/Lifting-Dispensation-Public-Announcement_Eng.pdf Feb 8, 2022
Brothers and Sisters in the Diocese of San José,
…effective March 6, 2022, the First Sunday of Lent, the dispensation of the Sunday and Holy Day obligation will conclude for all Catholics within the Diocese of San José. The faithful who are healthy and without significant risk factors or other serious reasons should fulfill these obligations joyfully and conscientiously, continuing to abide by safety protocols.
… Anyone with a “serious reason” or “grave cause” is excused from the obligation. (*Canon 1245; **CCC 2181)
Catholics are encouraged to consult with their pastor if they are unsure about their personal situation.
*Can. 1245 Without prejudice to the right of diocesan bishops mentioned in can. 87, for a just cause and according to the prescripts of the diocesan bishop, a pastor can grant in individual cases a dispensation from the obligation of observing a feast day or a day of penance or can grant a commutation of the obligation into other pious works …
*CCC 2181 The Sunday Eucharist is the foundation and confirmation of all Christian practice. For this reason the faithful are obliged to participate in the Eucharist on days of obligation, unless excused for a serious reason (for example, illness, the care of infants) or dispensed by their own pastor. 119 Those who deliberately fail in this obligation commit a grave sin.
Because of the serious situation with the covid-19 in Santa Clara County, the Diocese of San Jose have suspended the public Masses in all churches from now until further notice. During this time the Catholics of our Diocese are dispensed from the obligation to attend Sunday Mass. You can read the English original document from Bishop Cantu in the link below.
SJCCM Sunday Mass online: this Sunday we will begin streaming Mass video online, at 3 PM. The Mass will be in Chinese, all are welcomed to participate. You will need to download the app Zoom, register and click the link below:
主日彌撒(中文): 下午3 點。 平日玫瑰經/週五拜苦路:晚上8點。 Please note that Sunday Mass and daily Rosary are all in Chinese.
SJCCM 參加網絡 主日彌撒、平日玫瑰經、週五拜苦路的方法
: 1. 請點擊下面的链接
2. 輸入您的名字
3. 選“Call using Internet Audio”,即可加入。
) 或是
1. 去到 zoom.us
2. 點擊”Join” 或”加入一場會議”
3. 輸入”會議ID”: 7327327732 和您的名字,
4. 選“Call using Internet Audio”,即可加入。