「起來! 在基督內共融」 是我們團體暑假後即將展開的一個為期三年的堂區活動。這是繼數年前我們團體曾兩次舉辦的「更新運動」的延續。其目的是在我們準堂區內建立更多新的信仰小組。稍後我們會陸續公佈更多詳情。敬請大家關注, 並為此意向祈禱。
“Arise! Together in Christ”, is the name of a three years program for parishes that our Mission will begin after the summer break. This program is the development of the early “Renew” program in which our community take part many years ago. The goal of this program is the formation of new faith groups across our Mission. We will soon give you updates. Please keep it in your prayer for this intention!