灣區華人天主教團體 Bay Area Chinese Catholic Communities
The Chinese Catholic community is fairly large. There are several Chinese Catholic communities in the bay area. Here are the listings for your convenience.
南灣 其他華人天主教團體 Other Chinese Catholic Communities in the South Bay

聖維克多堂華人團體 St. Victor’s Chinese Catholic Community
St. Victor Catholic Church
3108 Sierra Road, San Jose, CA 95132
彌撒時間: 每主日上午 10:45AM

Church of Ascension Chinese Catholic Community
Church of Ascension: 12033 Miller Avenue, Saratoga, CA 95070
東灣 華人天主教團體 Chinese Catholic Communities in the East Bay

St. Joseph Church
43148 Mission Blvd., Fremont, CA 94539
指導司鐸:陳峰神父 (510) 575-7972
主日國語彌撒: 4:00 PM

St. Paul Church
1845 Church Lane
(near San Pablo Ave.)
San Pablo, CA 94806-3792
天主教中半島華人團體 Catholic Chinese Communities in the Peninsula

St. Matthew Catholic Church
One Notre Dame Ave., San Mateo, CA 94402
El Cerrito 聖若翰洗者聖堂

舊金山聖亞納天主堂 St. Anne of the Sunset Church
850 Judah St., San Francisco, CA. 94122
翟林湧神父 (O)415-614-5575, (H)415-665-1600 ext 36