"Then Jesus approached and said to them, 'All power in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, until the end of the age.' " - Matthew 28: 18-20
教訓他們遵守我所吩咐你們的一切。看!我同你們天天在一起,直到今世的終結。」”- 瑪竇福音28: 18-20
Fr. Carlos Alberto Olivera
約是在十二歲的時候,他開始感受到天主的召叫。 十五歲時,在一個避靜祈禱中,很清楚的分辨出他的聖召。十八歲高中畢業時,在父母的支持下,進入了教區修院。六年後,於一九八四晉鐸成為阿根廷教區神父。在一九八五年加入道生修會,度過數年的牧靈生活。

於一九九四年,經台灣台中主教府的邀請,被修會派遣到台灣,開始了在台灣的福傳生涯。 最初他接受王愈榮主教的派遣,在台中新成立的太平和大里的天主堂擔任本堂神父。儘管有語言上的障礙,他依然滿心相信天主自會成就祂的旨意。一九九八年起被轉派到桃園的大園擔任本堂神父有六年之久。於二○○六年,徵得修會的許可,再度成為教區神父,加入了台中教區。歐神父在台灣共服務了十二年之久。後來,歐神父用了近兩年時間去羅馬完成了他的”聖母神學”博士論文。
二○○八年六月, 經王愈榮主教的推薦來到美國牧靈。同年七月一日, 擔任聖荷西華人天主教會的指導司鐸。在二○一二年七月,”聖荷西華人天主教會”正式晉升為”聖荷西華人天主堂”,同時,歐神父被任命為本堂神父。
歐神父一直以來牢記自己博士論文的主題, 努力效法聖母的祈禱和信德, 以愛來牧養天主的子民。
Father Carlos Alberto Olivera was born in the city of San Luis, Argentine in 1959. He grew up in a typical Catholic family, where he experienced the loving presence of God during his childhood. His father was a bank clerk, and his mother was an elementary school teacher. He has six younger brothers and sisters.
He began to experience the call of God to priesthood when he was near twelve years old. At the age of fifteen, during a spiritual retreat, he clearly discerned his vocation.
With the support of his parents and his whole family, after his graduation from high school, he entered the diocesan seminary. Six years later, in 1984, he was ordained as a priest. In the year 1985 he entered the Institute of the Incarnate Word.
After several years of pastoral experience, following the needs and invitation of the Diocese of Taichung, Fr. Olivera was sent to Taiwan for a new experience as a missionary. His very first mission was under Bishop Joseph Wang, as the first pastor of the newly established parish in Taiping – Tali, Diocese of Taichung. In spite of the difficulties of the Chinese language, he had faith that God will accomplish His purpose. In the year 1998, Fr. Olivera was appointed as pastor in the parish of Dayuan, Taoyuan, for six years. In the year 2006 with the permission of his religious superiors, he became a diocesan priest in the Diocese of Taichung. Fr. Olivera spent total twelve years in Taiwan.
In June 2008, after almost two years in Rome to finish his doctoral thesis on Mariology, Fr. Olivera came to United Stated with the recommendation from Bishop Joseph Wang. He was assigned as the chaplain of the San Jose Chinese Catholic Community (SJCCC) in July 2008. In July 2012, when SJCCC was formally erected as a Mission, Fr. Olivera was appointed as a pastor of SJCCM.
Fr. Olivera remembers his doctoral thesis, always try hard to imitates the blessed Mary in his prayer and faith, and to care with love as the pastor of God’s people.