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2018 家 庭 信 仰 生 活 營 (Family Camp) 5/25-5/27
May 25, 2018 @ 2:00 pm - May 27, 2018 @ 5:00 pm
主題 (Camp Theme):家庭奧運 (Family Olympic)
時間 (Camp Date):5/25/18 Friday 5:00 PM to 5/27/18 Sunday 2:00 PM (Memorial Day Weekend)
地點 (Camp Location) : Saint Clare’s Retreat Center
2381 Laurel Glen Road, Soquel, CA 95073. TEL: (831) 423-8093
輔導 (Camp Priest):Fr. Joseph Zhang
Fee: Please calculate your family total fee using (1) or (2) below, whichever lower will be applied.
(1)SJCCM rate:
• Parents with kid(s) 5 years old or under: $350;
• Parents with 1 child older than 5: $400;
• Parents with 2 children older than 5: $450;
• Parents with more than 2 children older than 5: $500.
(2) Retreat Center rate:
• Adult (18 years old or above): $185/person
• Teen (13 ~ 17 years old): $168/person
• Kid (6 ~ 12 years old): $90/person
• Kid (5 years old or under): free
(3) For individuals invited by family (e.g grand parents, friends, etc), retreat center rate will be applied.
聯絡人 (Contacts) :
● Stella Wong 電話: (408) 688-4123 E-Mail: ******* (San Jose, etc.)
● Tinny Chai 電話: (650) 387-8687 E-Mail: ******* (Fremont)
活動 (Activities) : 家庭奥运 – Family Olympic 趣味遊戲 – Camp Games 親子同樂 – Family Craft
童心同趣 – Scouting Fun 父母座談 – Parents Workshop 才藝天地 – Talent Show
注意事項 (Notes) :
● 請不要遲到早退 (Please follow camp schedule, do not come or leave the camp early)
● 名額有限, 請及早報名 (Limited rooms available, first come first serve)
Cancellation fee: $30 per family if canceled after 5/1/18
家 庭 信 仰 生 活 營 報 名 表 (Family Camp Registration Form):