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普世君王節慶+堂慶+家庭照攝影 Celebration of Christ the King and our Anniversary + Photo Session for Family Directory11/20
November 20, 2016 @ 4:30 am - 6:00 pm
11/20/2016 是普世君王節, 也是我們團體誕生33週年紀念日。
請闔家參與彌撒聖祭, 並於彌撒後(4:30-5:15PM)到Parish Hall共慶團體生日及Arise第一季的圓滿成功。
屆時會有茶點招待, 並有教友分享更新運動的收穫。
在North Hall, 我們團體的攝影師會為尚未參與Family Directory 攝影的家庭拍攝專業的家庭合影。
請萬勿錯過, 並儘快與甯秀麗聯繫報名(******* 408-667-7200)。
11/20/2016 is the Solemnity of Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe.
It is also our 33rd anniversary.
Please come to Parish Hall after Mass to celebrate our anniversary and the success of Arise program.
There will be snack and Faith Sharing.
At the same time, our photographers will provide photo session to the families who have not yet taken photo with LifeTouch for our first family directory at North Hall.
If you are interested, please contact Xiuli Chu (******* 408-667-7200).
Head count is needed for better time managing.