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SJCCM Annual Summer Retreat 8/11/2018
August 11, 2018 @ 1:00 pm - 5:30 pm
2018 Annual Reflection and Planning 年度回顧與前瞻
Theme: Becoming a living Gospel! 成為活生生的福音!
Date/Time: 08/11/2018 (Sat) 1:00-5:30 PM
Place: St. Clare Lower Church
We will spend afternoon together prayerfully discerning how we can improve as a community of disciples of Jesus Christ. We will plan our main events and in particular the last Season of Arise, and we will ask the Holy Spirit to guide us as we explore, what next? Everybody is invited to this bilingual event, young people and adult, we will together build our Mission and we help each other become a living Gospel in our Society.
我們將在一個下午, 虔誠地祈禱分辨,如何改善我們的團體, 做更好的耶穌基督的門徒! 我們將計劃團體幾個主要的活動,特別是已經到了最後一季的更新運動,懇請聖神帶領我們尋索往後持續的成長更新。歐神父邀請團體所有成員, 沒有年齡的分別, 都來參加今年雙語暑期退省, 共同建立天主賦予我們的使命,讓我們彼此鼓勵、幫助, 成為活生生的福音。
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