" There are different kinds of spiritual gifts but the same Spirit; there are different forms of service but the same Lord; there are different workings but the same God who produces all of them in everyone. To each individual the manifestation of the Spirit is given for some benefit." - 1 Corinthians 12: 4-7
聖神顯示在每人身上雖不同,但全是為人的好處。" - 格前 12:4-7
What is Liturgical Ministry?
Liturgical ministry includes the various functions that are necessary during the Celebration of Mass. Liturgical ministry is performed by volunteers of the parish community. Liturgical duties include:
- 接待員 Ushers – direct seating during mass
- 輔祭員 Altar servers – assist the priest during mass
- 讀經員 Lectors – read Bible passages during mass
- 送主員 Euchrist Minister – distribute Communion during mass and to the sick who are homebound
- 聖詠團 Choir & Worship Team – 以歌聲和器樂 讚美感謝天主, 助人入禱, 引人入聖 sing during mass
Join Us! 請加入事奉!
To participate in any of these areas, sign up on the volunteer form.
Liturgical Team

禮儀組接待員 Upper Church Ushers

禮儀組送主員 Upper Church Eucharist Ministers

禮儀組 Upper Church Liturgy Team 2016-2017

Liturgy Team Leaders for English Mass

Liturgy Team for English Mass