作者 黃崇文譯
Father Matthew Koo Honored with ‘Monsignor” Title
顧蒙席於1993年6月15日開始在聖荷西教區服務,任本區天主教華人社區司鐸。他的任職一直維持到2008年6月30日退休。由於中國當前的不穏定,顧蒙席尋求在聖荷西教區担任神職工作,而由前任的 DU MAINE 主教授與其職。退休後的顧蒙席,繼續在灣區和南加州不辭辛勞地為教友服務,且益見神靈充沛,常浴主恩。 2014年, PATRICK McGRATH 主教宣布教宗方濟各已經回應他的請求,榮升顧光中神父為俱有“蒙席”頭銜的聖教會司鐸。
Because he was an active member of the Legion of Mary. In February 1956, Father Koo was sentenced to five years at a labor camp in Heilungchiang Province, and was transferred to a prison in Shanghai on Aug. 15, 1956.
In November 1958, he was sentenced to seven years in a labor camp in Chinghai Province, “because he opposed reformation.” When his sentence was completed in 1965, Father Koo was forced to continue in an agricultural labor camp until 1984.
Father Koo was secretly ordained a deacon on Feb. 20, 1988, by Bishop Fan Chung-liang, SJ, then Auxiliary Bishop of Shanghai, who ordained him to the priesthood, Feb. 22, 1988.
Father Koo enrolled in theological studies at the Catholic Theological Union in Chicago, Illinois, and completed his studies in 1993 at St. Patrick’s Seminary & University in Menlo Park.
He began service in the Diocese of San Jose on June 15, 1993, as Chaplain to the local Chinese Catholic Community. This appointment was renewed until Father Koo’s retirement on June 30, 2008. Due to ongoing instability in China, Father Koo sought incardination in the Diocese of San Jose, which Bishop McGrath granted.
In retirement, Msgr. Koo continues to serve the Chinese Catholic community in the Bay Area and in southern California.

The following is the Homily said by Bishop McGrath during the installation Mass of Msgr. Koo on the 4th Sunday in Easter time (5/11/2014):
Most Rev. Bishop Patrick McGrath, Most Rev Archihop Dic-Gang, Rev. Monsignor Cilia, all my brother priests, brothers and sisters of Legion of Mary, all Children of God,
After I retired, my classmate Fr Dinh Hao said to the bishop: “At Fr Koo’s funeral mass, I’ll give the homily.”
Bishop responded: “You have to wait.”
I never thought of that bishop had something to do. He wanted to nominate me a Monsignor.
Thank you, bishop.
I believe that you want me to be a good Monsignor.
For fifteen years, I served the Chinese Community, but in reality I was served by them. I received more than I offered. It was they who made me get closer to God. It was they who helped me see God’s mercy on His people.
Today, I thank all of you, and all who come to this celebration. All who come from Fremont, from San Mateo, from San Francisco, from Los Angeles and San Diego. Lastly I give you a word. You are loved by God in this era. You’ll receive more than you offered to Him.



