"Tend the flock of God in your midst, overseeing not by constraint but willingly, as God would have it, not for shameful profit but eagerly. Do not lord it over those assigned to you, but be examples to the flock." - 1 Peter 5: 2-3
“你們務要牧放天主托付給你們的羊群;盡監督之職,不是出於不得已,而是出於甘心,隨天主的聖意;也不是出於貪卑鄙的利益,而是出於情願;不是做托你們照管者的主宰,而是做群羊的模範”- 伯多祿前書 5:2-3
What is a Pastoral Council?
The pastoral council is group of parish members who advises and assists the pastor on practical matters of the parish life such as worship, education, spirituality, service, evangelization, etc. Embracing the Second Vatican Council’s vision and in accord with Canon Law, the Bishop of San Jose mandates that each parish, including the San Jose Chinese Catholic Mission, establishes a pastoral council. The council studies the matters brought to its attention by the pastor or the community, reflects on them thoroughly, evaluates them and draws sound conclusions. It then presents these conclusions to the pastor in the form of recommendations.
The SJCCM pastoral council consists of 6 to 8 members. Pastoral members must be parishioners of SJCCM. Each pastoral council serves two years (a term). A member can serve at most two consecutive terms.
Pastoral Council Members

Fr. Carlos Olivera

James Hua

Jeff Chen

Wenlan Lu

Cecilia Su

Drizzle Chang
歷屆牧靈委員們 Pastoral Council Served
2023-2024 | 華正朔,朱玉蓉,陳逸群,熊貽珠,呂雯嵐,Damian Wang |
2022-2023 | 華正朔,朱玉蓉,陳逸群,賀磊,倪震宇,熊貽珠(Maria Liu),呂雯嵐(Wenlan Lu),Damian Wang,Mike Homm,Philip Luke |
2021-2022 | 華正朔,朱玉蓉,陳逸群,賀磊,倪震宇,Damian Wang,Mike Homm |
2020-2021 | 華正朔,朱玉蓉,陳逸群,賀磊,單媛媛,倪震宇,Damian Wang,Mike Homm,Becky Wang |
2019-2020 | 華正朔,朱玉蓉,陳逸群,賀磊,單媛媛,倪震宇(Tony Ni),Carmen Siu,Mike Yuhas,Damian Wang(王洵),Mike Homm |
2018-2019 | 華正朔,朱玉蓉,吳興民,王文成,陳逸群(Jeff Chen),江嵩,賀磊,Carmen Siu,Mike Yuhas |
2017-2018 | 華正朔,朱玉蓉,吳興民,王文成,童克云,江嵩(Song Jiang),賀磊(Lei He),Carmen Siu,Mike Yuhas |
2016-2017 | 華正朔,朱玉蓉,吳興民,王文成,童克云,邱慈菁,單媛媛,Carmen Siu |
2015-2016 | 華正朔,朱玉蓉(Vivian Chu),吳興民(Shingmin Wu),王文成(Vincent Wang),童克云,邱慈菁(Grace Chen),單媛媛(Yuanyuan Shan),Michael Wu,Carmen Siu(邵嘉敏) |
2014-2015 | 華正朔,傅典端,舒弘宇,施天寶,童克云(Keyun Tong),Michael Wu |
2013-2014 | 華正朔,傅典端,舒弘宇,廖煥中,賴兆郁,古柏,施天寶(Tien-Pao Shih) |
2012-2013 | 華正朔(James Hua),傅典端,Henry Shu(舒弘宇),廖煥中(Simon Liao),賴兆郁(Teresa Lai),Patrick Ku(古柏) |
Task Force | 傅典端(Tony Fu),楊彤芳(Yvonne Chow),Steve Chu |